
2022-03-03互联网资讯 编辑:admin










  UX Magazine was created to be a central, one-stop resource for everything related to user experience. Our primary goal is to provide a steady stream of current, informative, and credible information about UX and related fields to enhance the professional and creative lives of UX practitioners and those exploring the field. Our content is driven and created by an impressive roster of experienced professionals who work in all areas of UX and cover the field from diverse angles and perspectives.

  It is also a primary goal of UX Magazine to foster communication between groups that are typically siloed but who must collaborate effectively for good UX outcomes to be achieved. For example: between designers and engineers, clients and vendors, stakeholders and production teams, design and business strategy, and so on.

  UX Magazine was created because there has been a strong unmet need in the industry for knowledge resources about how UX fits into technology initiatives, customer experience strategies, design thinking, project planning, and project and organizational dynamics. Most of the UX knowledge resources available consist of designers talking to other designers, technologists talking to other technologists, industry insiders talking to other insiders, and business investors talking with other business executives. While UX Magazine we want to continue to foster discussion and shared learning within the community, we also want to create an environment where people and companies from all disciples within and outside of the UX field can collaborate and learn from each other.

  UX Magazine’s mission is to be the destination for people and companies looking to understand the value of experience-orientation, and to learn the tactics and strategies behind successful user and customer experiences.

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